Chapter 3: The Dog House

6 min readNov 28, 2022


The DogHouses are the key to receive a portion of the royalties generated by the AD platform. 50% of the profits generated by:

  • The Hosting Raffle 🎟
  • Aristo Swap 🔁
  • New utilities coming in Roadmap 3.0 and the future 👨‍⚖️ 🏦 🤫

Total Supply:

There will be a total of 3.333 Dog Houses. The total amount of houses will be divided in three different tiers: T1, T2 & T3. Each tier will earn a different amount of point, and ergo, it will be entitled more royalties, but we will get to specifics later.

T1: The Dog Mansion (300)

The Dog Mansion is for the most Elitish dogs, the top of the top. Superstars, influencers, and politicians.

Each Dog Mansion will be the equivalent to owning X3 Doghouses in terms of royalties and while staked will earn 15 points daily.

T2: Townhouse (303) // (997) for Air Drops Dog Townhouse.

The Townhouses are for some privileged dogs only, they give status and are a sign of class.

Each Dog Townhouse will be the equivalent to owning X2 Doghouses in terms of royalties and while staked will earn 10 points daily.

T3: Doghouse (1.733)

The Doghouses are for the common dogs. The bottom of the elite.

Each Doghouse owner will be entitled to get a % of the royalties generated by the platform and while staked will earn 5 points daily.


We all know what happened, with he who shall not be named 💀… Luckily, we were able to access the original snapshot list and those who supported the project from the start, will be rewarded for their commitment. So if your address appears in the Snapshot list over our discord channel (click here) then you will be airdropped a Townhouse for every 3 AristoDogs 🐶 you held at the time. The total Townhouses to be dropped🪂 will be 997, since the wallet Nº3 on the list won’t be receiving any, for obvious reasons.


Well, initially, we were only going to fullfil the initial promise and airdrop only to the OG holders in the Snapshot list. But we felt like a lot of people has joined since and have given a lot of support. That is why we are going to make a second drop to reward newcomers.

To be fair with the ones being here with the begining it will be a little bit different. Here are the rules:

  1. Every wallet holding at least 10 ADs, will get an Airdrop of one (1) T3-DogHouse.
  2. Every 6 ADs you hold, will guarantee you an aridrop of one Gen3 NFT: The Aristo______ 👀👀👀 (to be disclosed on Roadmap 3.0).
    During Q1–2023.
  3. To be able to participate in both snapshots, your AristoDogs must be delisted from all secondary markets. I’ll make a capture of the #IDs listed the day of the Snapshot.
  4. Snapshot 📸 date to be taken at Sunday, Dec 11th at 9AM UTC.

Minting Supply: 2.336 Houses*
*There amount of doghouses resulting from the new snapshot will be deducted from the minting supply.

T1: The Dog Mansion (300)

T2: The Dog Townhouse (303)

T3: The Doghouse (1.733)

Doghouse Staking & Boosters:

Additionally, there will be a way for you to boost your earnings and earn more points…

When staking, besides the points generated from each one of the houses, you will be able also to add up to 3 NFTs on each house.

Each kind of NFT, will grant you a different amount of points:

Each Mansion will grant 15 points a day. 10 per Townhouse, 5 per Doghouse, 3 per each AristoDog stored on each house, 2 for Gen3 NFTs (soon to be revealed), 1 for Partnered Project NFTs and if you manage to have all 3 slots filled, regardless the collection, you will have 2 additional points for “Full House” concept.

For example:

A Doghouse with 3 AD stored inside, will grant you a total of 16 points daily. 3 for each AD, 5 for the House and 2 for the Full House.

A Townhouse with 1 AD and one Gen3, will give you 15 points.

A Mansion with two Partnered Project NFTs and 1 AD, will give you 22 points and so on. The combinations are up to you!

That sounds great, but… what are those points for 🤔?

Well, this points will allow you to earn 🤑 $BISCUIT 🦴 !!!

$BISCUIT is the utility token of the ecosystem platform.

What are the use cases of $BISCUIT?

  • Exchange it for $CRO
  • Buy raffle tickets
  • Pay for fees over hosting raffle, swaps, upcoming mints and further utilities TBA (RoadMap 3.0)


  • There will be no initial allocation.
  • There will be no team allocation

Emission Rate

The emission of $BISCUIT will be controlled by the amount of $CRO deposited within a smart contract.

$BISCUIT will be emitted at a rate of 100 $BISCUIT to every 1 $CRO placed within the smart contract.

Miscellaneous Mechanics of BISCUIT

Every time a transaction is held within the ecosystem there is a service fee or % taken from the transactions. That portion of the fee will be designated for the rewards system will be entered into the $BISCUIT smart contract.

The emitted $BISCUIT will be distributed to staked doghouses according to the points generated by the houses you own during the month.

For example, if your houses make 2.000 points during the month and the total amount of points accumulated by all the staked houses is 200.000 , then you will receive 1% of the total $BISCUIT distributed, and so on for everybody.

What if I want to redeem $CRO

$CRO can be redeemed from the smart contract by burning $BISCUIT on a 100:1 ratio — meaning for every 100 $BISCUIT burned through the smart contract 1 $CRO will be returned.

As the supply of $BISCUIT is limited by the $CRO placed into the smart contract, and the only way to mint more $BISCUIT is to place extra $CRO in the smart contract, the value of $BISCUIT is maintained at a 100:1 ratio.

This unique version of a hybrid between a monetized and non-monetized utility token enables the user to participate in services within the ecosystem without spending CRO, whilst still enabling profit to be withdrawn.

So… Which house are you going to choose to pamper your furry friend 🐶?

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Written by Aristodogs

Join the Aristocracy. Join the most Elite Dog family in the Cronos chain

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